Let Me “Re”Introduce Myself

“Wild is her style; in life, love and all things free.”
– J. Iron Wood
A few months ago I started consulting with Colleen, at Lieflingkind Design, about the concept of rebranding.
Well, to be honest, it was my first ever attempt at “branding”, so the “re” seems irrelevant. But, non-the-less. I set out, determined to develop a look and feel around my business and marketing, that resembles and reflects who I am. Not only to distinguish myself among the masses in an overly saturated market, but to introduce more of myself to the world.
My business has my name written all over it, it should reflect the artist as much as the art itself.
I didn’t want to just have pretty brand, or a clever tagline that holds no true meaning to me.
I want my branding to be true to who I am. To call out to those Wild Hearts,
those Authentic Souls
and those beautiful Lovers.
And, after months of soul searching, research and amazing guidance from Colleen, my brand started to take shape. Elements, colours & designs, all started to flow together.
It spoke in my voice, started to beat along with my own heart and soul. The very heart & soul that I so effortlessly pour into my work.
It spoke of adventure, a wild, nostalgic heart, romance and creativity.
It reflects my affinity for nature, travel & photography.
I am madly in love with my new branding.
I am proud of the thoughtfulness and hard work behind every element. The depth and meaning behind each concept.
There is me, in all that Colleen has helped me create around this brand.
And I am excited, slightly nervous and honoured to introduce to you, this beautiful, raw and honest representation of who I am.
So, this is a little piece of me.
And this is a little introduction to my new branding.
I am a creative visual storyteller, for Wild Hearts, Authentic Souls, Lovers.
And, I am,
Maryke Albertyn Photography.