“’Cause darling without you, all the shine of a thousand spotlights,
All the stars we steal from the night-sky,
Will never be enough.
Towers of gold are still too little.
These hands could hold the world, but it’ll never be enough.
Never be enough.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this wedding. Danica & Dayle are honestly two of the warmest, kind hearted, most beautiful souls I have worked with. They instantly made me feel at home and a part of their special day.
They held their outdoor wedding at the beautiful Nuy Valley Guesthouse. Nestled among vineyards and farmhouses, just outside of Worcester, on route to Robertson.
With an amazing view over the landscape, they said their vows to one another. Followed by canapés and a reception under the stars.
Being a graphic designer, Danica took on the task of the stationary and beautiful decor. Every detail, finely planned and beautifully executed.
I am madly in love with every part of this wedding and I am so very happy to be sharing some of my favourite moments with you.
Danica & Dayle
The biggest thank you for letting me capture and share in your special day.
You are both absolutely amazing and two of my favourite clients!
I hope you enjoy these memories.
Love, M xxx